Sustainable Procurement

Acting responsibly along the entire supply chain
For Tyrolit, it means actively shaping processes, supplier selection and risk management in the supply chain. In addition to economical and quality criteria, environmental protection and compliance with social standards are also relevant for us when selecting and evaluating our suppliers.
Our “Sustainable Procurement Policy” forms the basis of our activities. This defines our measures for environmental, social and corporate governance issues and describes our commitment to the responsible procurement of products and services. By signing the Tyrolit Code of Conduct for Suppliers, our partners confirm that they comply with the principles set out in this policy and are actively working to improve their sustainability performance. Compliance with the code is monitored by a key figure system.
Tyrolit conducts risk analyses and, if necessary, on-site reviews of operating procedures. We expect our suppliers to comply with the applicable legislation (such as REACH) and the principles of the United Nations Global Compact in their operations, and to implement appropriate processes in their own and their affiliated companies to promote compliance with these rules.
If Tyrolit is of the opinion that a supplier does not fulfil the requirements and expectations, Tyrolit will provide recommendations for action, identifying issues for which corrective measures or improvements are required. The Code of Conduct, which is also part of the General Terms and Conditions of Purchase, also requires our suppliers to ensure that their suppliers comply with the Code of Conduct.
If you are interested in becoming a supplier or would like more detailed information on purchasing, please visit our dedicated page.