European debut for the PC1505XL Grinder & Groover
66,000 grooved square meters in 19 days
The runway at Manching Airport is 60 m wide and is divided into 6 x 6 m fields. On the grooving shaft of the machine, the cutting blades were mounted in such a way that each 6 m wide field could be processed in 5 passes, with the grooves reaching up to approximately 15 cm towards the traverse joints. In total, an area of 66,000 m2 was ground in 19 days with this method.
After a short grinding-in phase of the new saw blades, the feed rate of the machine was increased to 12 m/min and so the daily output required for being right on schedule was achieved without any problems. The grinding pattern and the edges of the grooves turned out to be excellent. The powerful machine-integrated extraction system of the PC1505XL extracted almost all concrete slurry produced and the residues were then disposed of in accordance with the regulations.
Through intense project planning in advance as well as on-site support by the application engineer from Tyrolit and the two grinding experts from Diamond Products Inc., USA, the project was successfully completed by silco tec Umweltschutzsysteme GmbH on time and also in an impressive manner.